Friday 29 January 2010


I think I'll have a look at animating the Crow And The Pitcher. I've chosen this fable as it illustrates how what appears to be a big task can be overcome by a series of smaller ones. I think it also encourages ingenuity.

To make it a little more relevant to modern children I'd like to try for a Pixar stylee animation maybe using a popular child's toy known as a Dippy Bird. Dippy Birds appear to lean down and drink and this would work both with the action of drinking but also with picking up stones to drop in the pitcher. Again to help kids relate, I may replace the stones with marbles as this wouldn't spoil the moral?

The downside of selecting this fable is that the action centres around a single character. This means that he'll need to be super expresive to hold the viewers attention.
As a Dippy Bird simply rocks back and forth, I'm aiming to give him fairly expressive facial features to compensate for limited movement.

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